How Smart Brickell Can Be Your Gateway to U.S. Residency?

How Smart Brickell Can Be Your Gateway to U.S. Residency?

Smart Brickell is a development that is emerging as a real estate opportunity in Miami, especially for international investors looking to acquire U.S. residency.

This project, which is reshaping the city’s landscape, also serves as a strategic pathway for those seeking to establish themselves in the U.S. through the EB-5 program.

Let’s explore how Smart Brickell can serve as a bridge to U.S. residency, examining the processes related to this investment that ensures a promising future on American soil.


EB-5 Program: The First Step Toward Residency

The EB-5 program is a United States government initiative designed to encourage foreign investment and stimulate the economy through job creation. Investors participating in this program can obtain permanent residency (Green Card) by meeting specific criteria.

Primarily, they must invest a minimum capital of $900,000 in targeted employment areas or $1.8 million in other areas, depending on the geographical location of the project. This investment must result in the creation of at least 10 full-time jobs for U.S. workers within a two-year period.


How Smart Brickell Aligns with the EB-5 Program?

Smart Brickell aligns with the requirements of the EB-5 program, offering investors the opportunity to attain permanent residency in the United States.

This project meets the investment criterion by providing options that require the capital outlay stipulated by the program, ensuring that each investment is properly at risk according to legal guidelines. This means that the investment must be exposed to normal market gain or loss, which is a necessary condition to ensure the integrity and economic purpose of the program.

Additionally, Smart Brickell excels in job creation, one of the pillars of the EB-5 program. The development is designed to generate numerous jobs, far exceeding the requirement to create at least 10 jobs per investor. This is achieved through construction phases, management, operations, and services related to the functioning of the complex.


What Is the Investment and Residency Process Like?

The process begins with the selection and initial investment in Smart Brickell, demonstrating the legal origin of the funds. This is done through Form I-526, which documents the lawful source of the invested funds and details how the investment meets the job creation requirements of the EB-5 program.

Once the I-526 petition is approved, which can take between 12 to 18 months, the investor and their family can apply for immigrant visas or adjust their status if they are already in the United States. During this period, Smart Brickell must ensure that the promised jobs are being created.

Upon entry to the United States with the EB-5 visa or adjusting status, a two-year conditional period begins. During this time, it must be demonstrated that the investment has been maintained and that the promised jobs have been effectively created.

Before the two years are completed, the investor must submit Form I-829, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, which verifies full compliance with all EB-5 program requirements. Approval of this form results in the removal of conditions and the granting of permanent residence for the investor and their immediate family.


Habitat Group, the developer behind Smart Brickell, offers through this project the opportunity for investors to pave their way to U.S. residency through the EB-5 program.

For more details on how Smart Brickell can be your gateway to a new life in the U.S., we invite you to contact Habitat Group, so their team can inform you about investment options and associated immigration benefits.

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