EB5 program in the heart of Miami, the new Dubai

EB5 program in the heart of Miami, the new Dubai

Miami is emerging as the “new Dubai,” offering fertile ground for foreign investors through the EB5 program. 

Through this program, foreign investors obtain a double benefit: accessing investment opportunities and acquiring U.S. residency.

Within this program, developments such as Smart Brickell invite you to be part of Miami’s economic growth and transformation. Let’s take a look at how the EB5 program works and how Smart Brickell aligns with its requirements.


Smart Brickell, aligned with the EB5 Program

The EB5 Program is a program for investors seeking to obtain permanent residency in the United States. Driven by the U.S. government, this initiative invites investors to be part of various local projects and developments through an investment that generates employment.

Smart Brickell aligns perfectly with the objectives of the EB5 Program, acting as a catalyst for economic growth in Miami. This development satisfies the minimum investment requirements imposed by the EB5 program, guaranteeing the job creation required to comply with the program’s regulations.

In addition, the area in which Smart Brickell is located also benefits from the investment, generating indirect jobs in stores and businesses near the development.

The integration of Smart Brickell into the EB5 program offers investors, in addition to immigration benefits, the possibility of generating a positive and lasting impact on the local Miami community.


Benefits of investing in Smart Brickell

Smart Brickell presents advantages for investors who wish to be part of this project through the EB5 program.

Smart Brickell’s strategic location in the Brickell district, known for its nightlife, financial center and accessibility to major tourist attractions, increases the investment value of properties within the development. With its proximity to retail and cultural centers such as Brickell City Centre and Mary Brickell Village, Smart Brickell is an attractive investment option, whether for living or investment.

Smart Brickell combines residences, retail space and hotel rooms, ensuring diversification in investment options and more stable income potential.

In addition, investors benefit from the complex’s facilities and amenities, such as spa, fitness center and swimming pool, which contribute to increase the development’s value.

These factors make Smart Brickell a unique financial opportunity, attracting tourists and residents who have the resources to enjoy a luxurious and elegant lifestyle.


Transparency in the EB5 process

Smart Brickell guarantees transparency and security for investors participating in the EB5 program, establishing a clear business model for investors.

Each phase of the project was documented and audited to comply with federal regulations, giving investors detailed reports on construction progress and job generation. 

This documentation meets the legal requirements of the program, giving investors full visibility into how their funds are being used and how they contribute to Brickell’s economic development.


Job creation and economic contribution

Investing in Smart Brickell generates an impact on Miami’s local economy, especially in terms of job creation and community development. 

Being part of the EB5 program, Smart Brickell actively contributes to the economic growth of the region by generating jobs, from laborers for the construction of its towers to the administrative staff needed for the daily operations of the complex.

Moreover, Smart Brickell’s economic impact extends beyond job creation: By requiring a demand for goods and services for its construction and operation, the project fosters the growth of local businesses.

It is also important to mention that Smart Brickell contributes to tourism and commercial development, attracting residents and tourists who want to be in a location close to the dining, business and cultural offerings that Brickell has to offer.


If you are considering an investment that will open the doors to living in the United States, we invite you to contact us.

At Habitat Group we have a team of experts ready to guide you through the EB5 program, bringing you closer to a future on American soil through a smart investment.

Exclusive investment opportunities, act now.

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